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Use Maps

At the request of stakeholders, we developed a set of current “use maps” for the Bay and ponds that includes aquaculture lease locations, commercial and recreational fishing areas, and restoration sites, to help minimize use conflicts. These maps were created via a series of Input Sessions. To learn more about the process used to create the maps, click here.

Download the Combined Use Maps


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Other Links & Resources

Rhode Island Geographic Information System (main page)

RI DEM Shellfish Closure Information -The latest information on closures provided by RI DEM. Please note: “Information regarding current status of areas subject to conditional closures (including those related to wet weather and/or bypasses at sewage treatment plants) and closures related to emergencies is available 24-hours a day by calling 401-222-2900.

Notice of Polluted Shellfishing Grounds, DEM Office of Water Resources, May 2013. This document is the most current guide to closed waters in Narragansett Bay, providing information on prohibited sites, seasonally-closed sites, and conditionally-closed ones. It lays out the specifics for these perpetually/conditionally closed local sites in the context of the larger growing area. It also includes a map guide for the 17 individual growing areas through-out Narragansett Bay, and the closed local sites within them, as a visual aid.

MapCoast – An effort to map, inventory, describe, and classify coastal soils and sediments in Rhode Island.

Mapping Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: A Case Study of a Rhode Island Lagoon by M. Stolt, et al., Coastal Education and Research Foundation (2011). This paper presents a systematic approach to mapping Rhode Island’s shallow subtidal coastal lagoon ecosystems. Multiple data sets were integrated and reconciled with one another to identify the geology, soils, biological communities, and environments that, together, define different shallow-subtidal habitat. They present their data from Quonochontaug Pond, Rhode Island as an example of these protocols and procedures in action.

 For a working list of resources and references, please visit the RISMP Resources page.